week 150


Mon: Are we giving artificial intelligence algorithms too much room at hiring decisions with its insights on face gesticulation at a video interview? Are humans hiding from their responsibilities? Ability to measure sweat does not give (necessarily) insights into job performance.

Tue: Reaching Martin’s bay hut on foot via a 2 day hike along New Zealand south island west coast is on itself an achievement. But to survive for decades as a young family with 2 kids without loosing your marbles … admirable.

Wed: Growing as a semi-nomad in Mongolia’s Bayanbulag sum, yet aiming at studying medicine in the capital, via Jargalant school, requires a rather strong character and determination from early infancy onwards.

Thu: The shores of the Urucu river, an affluent of the Amazon, provide villagers with a sustainable fishery, if they enforce strict quotas on the catch.

Fri: Kibera neighborhood in Nairobi is poised to provide its young people with education in the arts including classical and african dance. Way to go!

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