week 123


Mon: That teenagers have to remind grown-ups of the common responsibility towards stewardship of the planet just shows how self-centered the old generation is.

Tue: If the Yucatan peninsula, even after the injury of Cancun, looks so beautiful, what must have been at the height of Mayan civilization?

Wed: A pacified Casamance region, sandwiched between Guinea and Gambia, hopefully can develop sustainable tourism without sacrificing its atavic cultural charms.

Thu: Utilizing crops to generate biofuel, exporting a harvest while the locals are starving, fishing with a boat exhibiting a flag of convenience, all signs of a broken relation of how to produce food.

Fri: Meghalaya living bridges, made from ficus tree roots, are a perfect example of low human footprint on the environment.


week 122


Mon: Dealing with type I diabetes from your teen years onward is a risky balance to continuously adjust levels of insulin in blood even with the aid of an external pump providing a semi-automatic delivery.

Tue: Nopal tree leaves are very nutritious and tasty as the delicious central mexican cuisine remarkably shows.

Wed: Popenguine village, becoming a christian pilgrimage center in an overwhelming muslim society, is a hopeful sign that coexistence is a feasible achievement.

Thu: The Brahmaputra river delta branching in countless streams as it reaches the Indian ocean at the bay of Bengal is a very fragile ecosystem giving and taking live with every typhoon season.

Fri: Why do we see beauty in the skin of others to the detriment of ours? The influence of advertisement in Dakar makes young girls bleach their skin with, unfortunately,  disastrous consequences.


week 121


Mon: Trying to guess human emotions during interviews via facial features recognizing computer algorithms makes for the perfect quantifiable excuse for human resources departments when justifying the hiring of a candidate.

Tue: Monterrey, capital of Nuevo Leon, with its female local police patrols is trying to address issues such as unreported domestic violence and society mistrust of government authority.

Wed: Baaba Maal singing in pulaar language for the fulani peole in his native village of Podor, on the shores of the Senegal river facing Mauritania, is the perfect picture of the slogan “bring back to your community” whatever you got.

Thu: Brahmaputra waters get slowed down by the big bend south that its course takes at the east edge of the Himalayas, when entering the Indian state of Assam: there is where big game make their home!

Fri: Youngsters enduring the sun and heat of a late june afternoon around the Dindefelo cascade in Basari county looks an agreeable task for middle aged dudes in december,  as long as, you do not forget to bring kola nuts to break the ice with the community elders.


week 120


Mon: Sharing nuggets of wisdom from his semi-retirement in Palmarin, Llach is one of the few celebrities to know when to step out of the spotlight.

Tue: Perito Moreno exploits in the Andes let to the first national park creation in Argentina around lake Nahuel Huapi, although the native Mapuche people had to suffer forced displacement.

Wed: Trash collection in the village of Palmarin and its lovely coastline is a first step towards a more sustainable economy based on foreign tourism income.

Thu: The sources of the Brahmaputra on the highlands of Tibet where is called Yarlung Zangbo where a mystery until the early 20th century.

Fri: Gender differences should be taken into account when designing clinical trials or else, women do not have heart attacks and men never get depressed…