week 325

Mon: Female kazakh reporter, with a highly westernized appearance, gives Tashkent the usual tour.

Tue: A russian couple rents a car for two weeks in Tashkent, go around the tourist caravan route, plus the Ugam-Chatkal national park and Fergana valley to conclude with the lapidary of having to pay only once a police bribe.

Wed: After a maddening five years of COVID pandemic followed by a national economic collapse, the young British born Sri-Lankan adopted veterinarian still managed to expand her pet clinic with a mobile unit truck.

Thu: Uzbek reporter Manzil, with no more than a cell phone plus a selfie-stick, travels through the Gissarak mountains portraying the people of Darbant, Boysun and Sangardak villages.

Fri: And finally, Manzil jumps from the Katta Lyangar mosque, to the Badai-Tugai nature reserve and the Sentyob village in the Naruatu mountains.