week 324

Mon: Khiva Zoroastrian past receives a well deserved review by Kazakh TV.

Tue: Sogdians frescoes, from Panjakent to Turfan, show the merchants of the ancient Silk road.

Wed: Dashing, from Baku to Tashkent, via Aktau and Nukus, puts the grumpy father&son team from last to first in the race for Singapore.

Thu: A tiny island on the Norwegian artic circle gives shelter to rehabilitated youngsters thanks to an Everest mountaineer childless grandma.

Fri: After all, it had to be in Tashkurgan, where Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Xinjiang meet, that the intrepid journalist finally found the east-west nexus.

week 323

Mon: The last emir of Bukhara, partly educated in St. Petersburg, negotiated an impossible when trying to combine east & west lifestyles.

Tue: Inheritance from the Soviet Union, the solar facility north of Tashkent needs revamping to current standards.

Wed: Definitely, the eastern express train is not the fastest way to cross Anatolia while on a race to reach Baku, via Tblisi.

Thu: The reporter, back in 2016, feels the transition from oppressive Fergana in Uzbekistan to chaotic Osh in Kirghizstan.

Fri: With a little help form the EU, an “smart village” in Corsica tries to keep its youth around rather than letting them join the coastal tourist industry.

week 322

Mon: Samarkand gets a very sufi oriented review by a Kazakh TV reporter.

Tue: Speleology of Timur’s cave in Gissar national reserve requires a true 4WD.

Wed: From London to Singapore by land on a shoestring budget looks more than grim to many of the couples sponsored by BBC, yet they reach Delphi almost at the same time.

Thu: Northeast Honduras hold vestiges of an unknown pre-columbian people in contact with the Mayans well before 1502 Columbus arrival.

week 321

Mon: The Chorsu bazaar dome and the facade mosaics in many of the building blocks of post-earthquake Tashkent show the unmistakable mark of the Soviet period.

Tue: Tushetia economic gamble on eco-tourism depends on the feebleness of the western Europe espresso filled city dwellers.

Wed: Driving from Isfahan to Samarkand during Nowruz brings to the forth the long lasting mark of the Zoroastrian rites in the region at large.

Thu: A “return to the wild” episode where the guests have changed a tiny island off the coast of Cambodia for a patch of Thai jungle highlights the power of the in-laws.

Fri: The Fergana valley corridor connecting China with their Turk/Iranian neighbors since time immemorial can be guessed from people’s faces.

week 320

Mon: To get a kilometer long silk thread out of a single cocoon is a done deal in Margilan ancient workshops.

Tue: Confronting Santarem mono-culture expansion in their vicinity, native amerindians have to consult their Tapajos upriver fellows to implement ancient agricultural practices.

Wed: The Pamir highway along the Wakhan corridor permits to compare Tajik and Afghan peasant well being on each river bank.

Thu: The coast of Chile, south of Santiago, gives an anglo-chilean couple, who met while working for the Australian mining industry, temporary refuge .

Fri: Our westerner reporter, lost in Samarkand allure, compares Genghis Khan and Attila with amir Temur while forgetting to add Alexander to the mix…